Tuesday, November 26th-Learning Updates Issued during TAG (pap as well as through the Parent Portal.
Wednesday, November 27th-Early Dismissal (1:55pm) and Parent-Teacher Interviews
Thursday, November 28th-Early Dismissal (1:55pm) and Parent-Teacher Interviews
Friday, November 29th-Non-Instructional Day and Parent-Teacher Interviews
A note regarding the Parent-Teacher Interviews: Please contact the office (250-785-6717) or email jcullen@prn.bc.ca if you would like to arrange an interview with a teacher.
Attention Grade 9’s and Parents~NPSS Transitions
Grade 9 students and parents are encouraged to download the following document provided by the NPSS counsellors. It has important information regarding the transition to NPSS in the Fall of 2025!
Master – 2023_24 Introduction Notes
Purdy’s Chocolates Fundraiser ~ BBMS Musical Theatre
It’s official! Indulge in chocolate bliss! Our Purdy’s Chocolates Fundraiser has commenced! Please share the link with family and friends to support our BBMS Disney’s Moana Jr. production at The Lido theatre June 5th-7th. Your support will help us to obtain materials,
Cultural Event~October 31st, 2024: Hip Hop 101
Bert Bowes will be hosting a cultural event on Thursday, October 31st (Hip Hop 101)! We will be using an alternate bell schedule that day.
Alternate Bell Schedule Oct 31 1:30pm Presentation
Parent Learning Series~DBT Skills in Schools Learning Group
Join us online as we explore DBT (Dialectical Behaviour
Therapy) skills. This six part series will give parents an
introduction to Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance,
Mindfulness and Positive Communication – the four components
of the DBT in Schools Program.
Cultural Event~3 Crows: “How Raven Stole the Sun” (Tuesday, October 15th)
On Tuesday, October 15th, BBMS will be hosting a wonderful cultural event put on by 3 Crows Productions! Indigenous storyteller Dallas Yellowfly brings a light hearted, high energy version of “How Raven Stole the Sun” to life using interactive theatre.
Attention Grade 9’s~Transitioning to NPSS in 2025
Grade 9 Transitioning to North Peace Secondary School
Bert Bowes, Dr. Kearney and North Peace Secondary School have worked together to develop a process to help transition grade 9 students from middle school to secondary school.
City Bus Passes~Umo
Meet Umo, the new way to pay your BC Transit fare.
Please visit BC Transit Regional Transit System to learn more about Umo and the new way to pay your BC Transit fare using your cell phone.
BBMS Foods Program/Canteen
We wanted to remind parents that our canteen will open on Monday, September 9th. Our menu can be found under the “Parents & Students” tab at the top of the webpage.
We would like togive a special “Thank You!”
Bert Bowes Online Store~School Clothing for 2024-2025
Those of you looking to pick up the latest and greatest BBMS Swag should visit the online store! The closing date to make your purchase is September 18th.