Important Reminder~Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety

With regards to student drop-off and pick-up times, we just want to remind everyone to be extra cautious with the changing road conditions and daylight hours! We’re also asking for parents to have “road safety” conversations with their children, as some are running outside through busy parking lots and/or crossing slippery streets to get to where they need to go. We know that it’s a busy time for families trying to deliver/pick-up their kids so, again, please use extra caution and remind your children to move responsibly and safely!

With regards to student drop-off and pick up locations, we want to remind everyone that the back parking lot (SD60 staff and vehicles) is not to be used for pick-up and drop-off purposes. This area is quite congested and vehicles (buses included) are either entering or leaving the area and need it to be free of any extra vehicles. As well, please remind your student(s) that they should not be moving through the lot during the school day. Again, we’re just hoping to avoid any unnecessary accidents/injuries.

Thank you for your help with this!