Grade 9 Parents and Students

Good afternoon Grade 9 BBMS students (and parents),
The year is flying by as we are nearing the halfway point and one step closer to making decisions for grade 10 at NPSS. Our latest presentation was about our Assignment Process (placing students in the ELC or the Main campus) and the Campus Preference Form. Carefully read the notes below and record the important deadline on March 7. There is a link below and an attachment for the Campus Preference Forms. Please direct any questions or concerns to your child’s NPSS counsellor.

Campus Preference Forms


Campus Assignment

North Peace Senior School has two campuses where new grade 10 students are assigned for their grade 10 year (Main Campus and the Energetic Learning Campus). The purpose of the Campus Preference Form is to give students the opportunity to influence their campus assignment. Although we can not guarantee that all students will be assigned to the campus of their preference, the assignment committee does look at these forms when making campus assignments. Over the next month or so, students and parents will continue to learn about the two campuses and which campus will best meet their learning needs. We encourage students and parents to ask questions and review all previous notes on presentations to date.

NO LATE FORMS will be accepted.

Important Dates:

Tuesday, Feb. 20 – BB students Tour campuses

Tuesday, Mar. 5  – Main campus – personal tours for parents – 5-7pm

Wednesday, Mar. 6   –  ELC campus – personal tours for parents – 5-6:30

Thursday, ***Mar. 7   – Campus Preference Forms are due, 9am

No late forms accepted

Fill form out completely

Student’s best chance to influence the assignment process

Friday, Mar. 8     – Assignment Committee assigns students to a campus using all information that has been shared with us

Mar. 15     – Students receive Campus Assignments and enjoy Spring Break

April  4      – Course Request forms will be collected for Main campus assigned students

                 – Google Form will be completed by ELC assigned students

Things To Consider when filling out your form:

Work Habits – do they match the pace

Which campus offers the special program you want or need

Which campus experience best meets your learning needs

What size of community is best for you

Do you need bells or do you want no bells

Do you like everyday or every week to be the same schedule

Where are my friends wanting to go – +’ve or -’ve influence

PHED – traditional or DPA

Grade level classmates only or mixed grade classmates

How do you rate yourself on the 4 habits for success (attendance,

Assignment completion, asking questions, active participation)?

Direct link to Campus Assignment Form.

You can either print and fill it out by hand or make your own copy (File click, Make a copy) and fill it out electronically then print out. Must be submitted by March 7 at 9am.

Electronic Link to Form

2024Campus Preference Sheet